Front-End Tracker Library
To start tracking events, it's mandatory to load the front-end KBS tracker library.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My Website</title>
<script src="kbs.js"></script>
Those are the possible configuration properties to the script tag:
Name | Type | Description |
data-server-url | string | Sets the URL of Kibanalytics server endpoint. Defaults to '/collect'. |
data-auto-track | boolean | Enable or disable page view events auto track. Enabled by default. |
data-css-prefix | string | CSS prefix for class based event tracking. Defaults to 'kbs'. |
Another way to set the server url is by setting the value of 'serverSideData' property of the kbs global object.
kbs.serverUrl = '';
Event Tracking
By default, Kibanalytics will track page view events. A new page view event is dispatched every time the state property from the history web API changes. Simply put, this happens every time the user navigates to a new URL.
It's possible to change this behaivor by setting the 'data-auto-track' kbs script html attribute value to 'false'.
Also, it's possible to track a event from a DOM element object. There are two ways to track DOM element events in Kibanalytics: using JavaScript or CSS classes.
JavaScript Event Tracking
<button id="myButton">Click Here</button>
const { kbs } = window;
// CSS Selector
const selector = '#myButton';
// Any DOM element event
const type = 'click';
// Data param (optional) can be any JSON object
const data = {
foo: 'bar'
kbs.trackEvent(selector, type, data);
Optionally it's possible to use a custom label to the event type.
const label = 'myButtonClick';
kbs.trackEvent(selector, type, data, label);
JavaScript Event List Tracking
Track events from an array. Useful to add multiple events at once.
<button id="button01">Button 01</button>
<button id="button02">Button 02</button>
<button id="button03">Button 03</button>
const { kbs } = window;
// Array of events
const eventList = [{
selector: '#button01',
type: 'click',
data: {
id: 'button01',
foo: 'bar'
}, {
selector: '#button02',
type: 'click',
data: {
id: 'button02',
foo: 'bar'
}, {
selector: '#button03',
type: 'click',
label: 'button03Click',
data: {
id: 'button03',
foo: 'bar'
Optionally it's possible to load the event list from a remote JSON file.
const eventListUrl = '';
.then(() => console.log('eventListUrl loaded.'));
Custom JavaScript Events
To programmatically dispatch a custom event, use the 'track' function from kbs global object.
const { kbs } = window;
// Type param can be any string to describe the event
const type = 'customEvent1';
// Data param (optional) can be any JSON object
const data = {
foo: 'bar'
kbs.track(type, data).then(response => {
const { status, event_id } = response;
console.log(status, event_id);
'success', 'dcfe7e64-49f9-477a-b4da-3f82ebb8e3a5'
CSS Class Event Tracking
It's possible to track events by simply adding a special prefixed CSS class to the element you want to track and the dispatched event by the element.
The CSS class sintax uses the follow pattern: --NaN.
<button class="kbs-click-button01">Button 01</button>
By default, the CSS class prefix is defined to 'kbs', but it could be changed by the 'data-css-prefix' kbs script html attribute value:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>My Website</title>
<script src="kbs.js" data-css-prefix="myCustomPrefix"></script>
<button class="myCustomPrefix-click-button01">Button 01</button>
Also, it's possible to change the CSS class prefix with JavaScript:
kbs.eventClassPrefix = 'myCustomPrefix';
Server-Side Custom Data
To add custom data to all tracked events (for example, server side generated data), set a custom object to the 'serverSideData' property of the kbs global object.
kbs.serverSideData = { foo: 'bar' };
Global Callback
To add a custom global callback to be called every time a event is tracked, set a custom function to the 'callback' property of the kbs global object.
kbs.callback = (response) => {
const { status, event_id } = response;
console.log(status, event_id);
'success', 'dcfe7e64-49f9-477a-b4da-3f82ebb8e3a5'
API Reference
const kbs = {
* Get Kibanalytics server URL
* @return {string}
get serverUrl() {},
* Set Kibanalytics server URL
* @param {string} url
* @return {string} - Server URL
set serverUrl(url) {},
* Get server-side custom data
* @return {Object}
get serverSideData() {},
* Set server-side custom data
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Object} - Server-side data
set serverSideData(obj) {},
* Get event class prefix
* @return {string}
get eventClassPrefix() {},
* Set event class prefix
* @param {string} prefix
* @return {string} - Event class prefix
set eventClassPrefix(prefix) {},
* @callback callback
* Get callback function
* @return {callback}
get callback() {},
* @callback callback
* Set callback function
* @param {callback} fn
* @return {callback}
set callback(fn) {},
* Get last tracked event data
* @return {Object} - Object with event data
lastEvent() {},
* Track custom events
* @param {string} type - Event type
* @param {Object} data - Any custom data
* @return {Object} - Object with requisition status and event id
track(type, data) {},
* @typedef {{ select: string, type: string, data: Object, label?: string }} Event
* Track a event from a DOM element object.
* @param {Event} event - Event
* @return {Void}
trackEvent(event) {},
* @typedef {{ select: string, type: string, data: Object, label?: string }} Event
* @typedef {Event[]} EventList
* Track a list of events from DOM element objects.
* @param {EventList} event - Event list
* @return {Void}
trackEventList(list) {},
* Track a remote list of event from a DOM element object.
* @param {string} url - URL for the JSON file with the list of events
* @return {Void}
trackEventListUrl(url) {}