Front-End Tracker Library

To start tracking events, it's mandatory to load the front-end KBS tracker library.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>My Website</title>
    <script src="kbs.js"></script>

Those are the possible configuration properties to the script tag:

data-server-urlstringSets the URL of Kibanalytics server endpoint.
Defaults to '/collect'.
data-auto-trackbooleanEnable or disable page view events auto track.
Enabled by default.
data-css-prefixstringCSS prefix for class based event tracking.
Defaults to 'kbs'.

Another way to set the server url is by setting the value of 'serverSideData' property of the kbs global object.

kbs.serverUrl = '';

Event Tracking

By default, Kibanalytics will track page view events. A new page view event is dispatched every time the state property from the historyopen in new window web API changes. Simply put, this happens every time the user navigates to a new URL.

It's possible to change this behaivor by setting the 'data-auto-track' kbs script html attribute value to 'false'.

Also, it's possible to track a eventopen in new window from a DOM elementopen in new window object. There are two ways to track DOM element events in Kibanalytics: using JavaScript or CSS classes.

JavaScript Event Tracking

<button id="myButton">Click Here</button>
const { kbs } = window;

// CSS Selector
const selector = '#myButton';

// Any DOM element event
const type = 'click';

// Data param (optional) can be any JSON object
const data = {
    foo: 'bar'

kbs.trackEvent(selector, type, data);

Optionally it's possible to use a custom label to the event type.

const label = 'myButtonClick';

kbs.trackEvent(selector, type, data, label);

JavaScript Event List Tracking

Track events from an array. Useful to add multiple events at once.

<button id="button01">Button 01</button>
<button id="button02">Button 02</button>
<button id="button03">Button 03</button>
const { kbs } = window;

// Array of events
const eventList = [{
    selector: '#button01',
    type: 'click',
    data: {
        id: 'button01',
        foo: 'bar'
}, {
    selector: '#button02',
    type: 'click',
    data: {
        id: 'button02',
        foo: 'bar'
}, {
    selector: '#button03',
    type: 'click',
    label: 'button03Click',
    data: {
        id: 'button03',
        foo: 'bar'


Optionally it's possible to load the event list from a remote JSON file.

const eventListUrl = '';

    .then(() => console.log('eventListUrl loaded.'));

Custom JavaScript Events

To programmatically dispatch a custom event, use the 'track' function from kbs global object.

const { kbs } = window;

// Type param can be any string to describe the event
const type = 'customEvent1';

// Data param (optional) can be any JSON object
const data = {
    foo: 'bar'

kbs.track(type, data).then(response => {
    const { status, event_id } = response;
    console.log(status, event_id);
        'success', 'dcfe7e64-49f9-477a-b4da-3f82ebb8e3a5'

CSS Class Event Tracking

It's possible to track events by simply adding a special prefixed CSS class to the element you want to track and the dispatched event by the element.

The CSS class sintax uses the follow pattern: --NaN.

<button class="kbs-click-button01">Button 01</button>

By default, the CSS class prefix is defined to 'kbs', but it could be changed by the 'data-css-prefix' kbs script html attribute value:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>My Website</title>
    <script src="kbs.js" data-css-prefix="myCustomPrefix"></script>
<button class="myCustomPrefix-click-button01">Button 01</button>

Also, it's possible to change the CSS class prefix with JavaScript:

kbs.eventClassPrefix = 'myCustomPrefix';

Server-Side Custom Data

To add custom data to all tracked events (for example, server side generated data), set a custom object to the 'serverSideData' property of the kbs global object.

kbs.serverSideData = { foo: 'bar' };

Global Callback

To add a custom global callback to be called every time a event is tracked, set a custom function to the 'callback' property of the kbs global object.

kbs.callback = (response) => {
    const { status, event_id } = response;
    console.log(status, event_id);
        'success', 'dcfe7e64-49f9-477a-b4da-3f82ebb8e3a5'

API Reference

const kbs = {
     * Get Kibanalytics server URL
     * @return {string}
    get serverUrl() {},

     * Set Kibanalytics server URL
     * @param {string} url
     * @return {string} - Server URL
    set serverUrl(url) {},

     * Get server-side custom data
     * @return {Object}
    get serverSideData() {},

     * Set server-side custom data
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @return {Object} - Server-side data
    set serverSideData(obj) {},

     * Get event class prefix
     * @return {string}
    get eventClassPrefix() {},

     * Set event class prefix
     * @param {string} prefix
     * @return {string} - Event class prefix
    set eventClassPrefix(prefix) {},

     * @callback callback
     * Get callback function
     * @return {callback}
    get callback() {},

     * @callback callback
     * Set callback function
     * @param {callback} fn
     * @return {callback}
    set callback(fn) {},

     * Get last tracked event data
     * @return {Object} - Object with event data
    lastEvent() {},

     * Track custom events
     * @param {string} type - Event type
     * @param {Object} data - Any custom data
     * @return {Object} - Object with requisition status and event id
    track(type, data) {},

     * @typedef {{ select: string, type: string, data: Object, label?: string }} Event
     * Track a event from a DOM element object.
     * @param {Event} event - Event
     * @return {Void}
    trackEvent(event) {},

     * @typedef {{ select: string, type: string, data: Object, label?: string }} Event
     * @typedef {Event[]} EventList
     * Track a list of events from DOM element objects.
     * @param {EventList} event - Event list
     * @return {Void}
    trackEventList(list) {},

     * Track a remote list of event from a DOM element object.
     * @param {string} url - URL for the JSON file with the list of events
     * @return {Void}
    trackEventListUrl(url) {}